
We are a team of experts with background in chemical engineering and cybernetics, with long experience within the fields of process modelling and control engineering.

Our services include:

  • Turnkey installations of Model Preditive Control (MPC)
    Our primary business model is to deliver and maintain turnkey MPC applications based on existing models or models developed as part of the installation project. Read more about how we do installations or talk to one of our colleagues if you have a challenge for us (Contact us).
  • Online models for soft sensing and operator support
    For processes that are not ready for closed loop model predictive control, we can deliver online models for soft sensing and operator support as an intermediate step. Online models contribute to increased data utilisation by calculating important process variables using available measurements.
  • Process simulator applications for personnel training and scenario simulation
    Cybernetica delivers customised user interfaces for dynamic process simulators (Read more).
  • Consulting services
    Our employees have long experience in a wide range of control system design, controller tuning, model development and design of real-time systems.
  • Software licensing for in-house development
    Customers with in-house resources may license Cybernetica software for in-house development of model-based applications. We offer tailored training courses that range from short introductory webinars to weeklong hands-on training courses.
  • Software development
    We have long experience in development and maintenance of industrial software applications.

Talk to one of our colleagues to hear more about how we can contribute to your project (Contact us).