Main Technologies
Model Predictive Control
Cybernetica CENIT is our technology for online estimation, nonlinear model predictive control (NMPC) and online optimisation.
Batch Optimisation
Cybernetica CENIT can be configured for optimisation of batch processes. Maximise yields, minimise batch time, optimise feed rates and temperature profiles.
Soft Sensing
Cybernetica CENIT includes soft sensing features for estimation of non-measurable process variables.
Process Simulation
Cybernetica ProXim is our dynamic simulator for offline simulations of process models implemented as Cybernetica Model and Application Components.
Controller Tuning
Cybernetica MultiTune is our technology for controller tuning. It offers automatic tuning of PID-controllers with feed-forward and decoupling elements.
Thermal Imaging
Cybernetica InSight is our technology for industrial thermal imaging and advanced image processing.